Colin Hay - Musician Extraordinaire
He’s renowned globally as the singer, songwriter and guitarist for Australian chart toppers ‘Men At Work’ but Colin Hay is also a successful solo artist these days with a sensational new album being released this week. I was lucky to catch up with him from his home in Los Angeles where he warmly shared some of his stories and passions. Check out our zoom interview here and do make sure you pick up a copy of the album. It’s called ‘I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself’ – a covers album of some of his favourite tunes – and it’s terrific! Read more
Go-Go's Drummer Gina Schock tells all

Meet the man who created some of the most iconic rock album covers ever.
Bob Heimall ran the Art Dept at Electra Records from 1968. where he worked on between 10 – 40 album covers per month. Sometimes the musicians loved what he created, other times not so much. His collection numbers more than 4000 now so Bob has put some of his favourites into a coffee table book complete with the stories behind them. Called ‘Tales of Rock Legends and the Albums that made them famous, ‘ it’s a must for all music lovers. Meet Bob here by pressing play on my zoom chat with him below. Read more.
Drummer Gina Schock has been taking photos of her life with girl group The Go-Go’s since 1978. She’s documented it all, the highs and the lows. The band was the most popular all-female group to emerge from the punk/new wave explosion of the late 70’s early 80’s and they became one of the first commercially successful girl groups who weren’t controlled by male producers or managers. They had a ball living the wild life of rockers, swallowing pills, taking cocaine, trashing hotel rooms and generally just being bad. Gina’s book looks back at all of those days. She was a hoot then and she’s a hoot now as you’ll discover if you check my zoom interview with her below.
Cyndi Lauper hated it

Carly Simon loved it

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Daniel Craig plays James Bond